Creating Great Content Should Be Easy. Why? Because Olanola strives to do all the rest of the work of marketing and promting your content, creating a community to engage with your content and creating new channelsl for you to engage with and share with other content creators. Today, I'll be looking at creating adding new posts on Olanola and showing you how easy it is to get up and running in just a few simple steps.
By this point, you should be familiar with having setup a New Blog or Website in Olanola. If not, feel free to chckout my old post on How To Create Your Own Blog On Olanola, which provides you with an easy visual guide create your own blog. With that done, we can move on to the first step. When on the main page of your website, simply click Blog.
After you have clicked Blog, on the Right Hand Sidebar, there should be a large blue button telling you to Add New Post. Follow that blue button. Give it a click.
Now your into the blog editing screen in two simple steps. A few things to note here. First is that a title is required, as well as at least three words, so make sure that the post has those bare minimums. In addition, the title should be unique ( but I didn't have to tell you that ). Also, you might notice there is no Feature Image ( for you Wordpress / Joomla users ). Never fear, the first image in the post will show up as the featured image, so first impressions count here. Also, don't forget to Add some tags to the post, as this will help users searching for specific things such as "Apple iPad" or "Coachella 2014" to find your blog easier.
All thats left now is to just scroll down a bit and click the blue button that says "Add" and Voila! Your post is now live for the world to see. Its easy to edit as well, just click the post and if you are the Site Owner or Post Author, you will be able to edit it. How to make yourself the owner of the site or assign any owner? Well, I will cover that another tie.