Creating Great Content Should Be Easy. Why? Because Olanola strives to do all the rest of the work of marketing and promting your content, creating a community to engage with your content and creating new channelsl for you to engage with and share with other content creators. Today, I'll be looking at building out your profile on Olanola and showing you how easy it is to get up and running in just a few simple steps
Making your profile stylisn on Olanola isn't all that difficult. Its just a matter of adding great content and information about yourself and in no time, your profile will be buzzing with colorful energy. OK, maybe not so drawn out, but here are a couple tips for filling in your Olanola profile to get the best bang for your buck on your new blog.
Firstly, when you log on to Olanola, click the MyPage link over the dropdown next to your avatar.The first thing you will want to do is add a Profile Picture, as this profile picture is displayed when you leave comments, on your profile page and in the Peoples page of certain blogs. Presently Olanola has free range in terms of which sizes to post, however as an insider tip, long pictures perform better, similar to Pinterest. Consider making the picture 2.5::1 in terms of length to width for best quality. Notice my trademark Blue Snuggle Bear ( credit to Chunky Puddles ) fills that ratio appropriately.
Filling out your description is the next most important thing, its a little explanation about you. Don't leave it empty if you want Olanola to know how incredible you are. My bio is roughly 140 characters long and does not cutoff on other blogs that I subscribe to, so I think that's a good number to have. You can add your bio directly below your proflie pic.
Photos are pretty self-explanatory. Notice that I already have one photo. This is my Profile Pic and it becomes the first photo Olanola sees of you. To add more, simple click the box that has the +photo. Or you can click on the actual title Photo and be redirected to the page to add more photos.
Choosing to Add a Photo takes you to this page to directlly upload images. Its fairly straightforward and presently the options include Uploading from a URL or from your computer. You can also create a new Album when adding photos or choose an album to add the photos to. When you create an Album, you can also choose to make the images more private, either visible to Only Friends or Yourself. Of course, you can also make them public.
Adding Video functions in the same way as Adding Photos. Common options include YouTube and Vimeo but more are sure to come. Like Photos, Videos also have various levels of accessibility. A cool feature is to search for popular videos to Add to your page, rate, comment on or just enjoy.
The coolest feature ( in my opinion ) is the ability to create a new website right from your profile page. Click the Create New Website or Website button will lead to the Platform page. I covered how to create a new blog before, so you can see that here. But its great to be able to create a new blog on the fly in case you suddenly realize your passion for Pigs in the Blanket and want the whole world to know.
I wont insult you with explaining how to fill out basic profile information, but its important to note that as of now most of your profile information is publicly viewable. Certain categories will be hidden in the future, but to access the page with your basic profile information, click Edit in the Upper Right Hand corner.
You've seen the majority of the elements of your page / profile for now. The only remaining section will be Your Friends, Your Posts and Your Comments, but you know how those get populated. So stop reading and start writing. By the time your finished your Olanola page will look as good or better than mine.