Creating Great Content Should Be Easy. Why? Because Olanola strives to do all the rest of the work of marketing and promting your content, creating a community to engage with your content and creating new channelsl for you to engage with and share with other content creators. Today, I'll be looking at joining another blog to contribute great content.
We'll specifically look at Entertainment Site Ideal Media to explain how to contribute to that popular platform.Sometimes, you just feel like doing a wee bit of Guest Blogging and you want to find other blogs that have intersting stories similiar to yours to share on. Thanks to Olanola, that is now possible. Just be sure to contact the site's owner first, especially if you want your post to be approved. First, I'll explain how to contact the site owner, which is an important step. First thing you want to do is click on the People Tab and sort by Moderators.
Typically this list will be pretty brief, but if not you can probably reach out to any of the first moderators you find. To narrow your choices, you can always look at their blogs to see who is writing the most often on the site and reach out to that Moderator. In this case, lets look for an adorable Snuggle Bear.
Normally, that woud show you a profile of me, but for the sake of this tutorial, you will not see what needs to be shown, so instead I will present the profile of fellow Ideal Media Editor Jonnathan Coleman. You will clearly see that you can write him or send him a present ( if you are friends ). If not send that person a friend request to request permission to Guest Blog on their site.
Once you have obtained permission to post, the Guest Blogging fucntions very much the same way as your own blog, in that it you have to head over to the Blog tab and click "Create New Post". Everything else is pretty much the same. But first, you have to follow that blog. On Ideal Media, the Follow Button is located near the top of the News Tab, however it can appear elsewhere on other blogs.
When you add a new post, make sure its something relevant that the blog's audience will like. Otherwise, when the post goes into moderation for submission to that blog, the owner may not publish it or might outright delete it.
Happy Guest Blogging.